Peter Hacker

P.M.S. Hacker is Emeritus Fellow and former Tutorial Fellow in philosophy at St John’s College, Oxford. He holds an Honorary Professorship at University College, London at the UCL Institute of Neurology at Queen’s Square. He has held British Academy and Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowships and visiting chairs in North America. He is the leading authority on the philosophy of Wittgenstein on whom he has written a dozen books. Together with M.R. Bennett he has written extensively on cognitive neuroscience. He is the author of 24 books, editor of 4 books, and author of 172 papers. In his works in the last decade and a half he has dedicated his energies to a tetralogy on human nature.

The abilities distinctive of human beings are abilities of intellect and will. The relevant abilities of intellect are thought, imagination (the cogitative and creative imagination rather than the image-generating faculty), personal (experiential) and factual memory, reasoning and selfconsciousness.
P. M. S. Hacker, 'Human Nature: The Categorial Framework'
Selected Titles

Focusing on diverse aspects of Wittgenstein's philosophy, this volume not only provides a valuable introduction, but also investigates connections between the philosophy of Wittgenstein, other philosophers.

This major new study by one of the most penetrating and persistent critics of philosophical and scientific orthodoxy, returns to Aristotle in order to examine the salient categories in terms of which we think about ourselves and our nature.

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